June 2018: Rainbows, Unicorns & My Little Pony's

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Pre-child, I thought My Little Pony's were the ugliest things I had ever seen. Little did I know that I would come to love rainbows, sparkly pink shoes, unicorns, pegasus's, and yes, MY LITTLE PONY'S, and quite dearly. I still have a pony on my kitchen shrine at the studio, the same one I took to India with me when Elsie was 3 years old. She's had a haircut, but she's my favorite, Rainbow Dash.

Elsie's first summer, the first of 5, were spent at a trailer in Montauk on the beach. On June 12th, 2004 I walked out onto the deck and saw this amazing rainbow spanning the sky! I had always remembered it as being on my birthday, but alas that must have been a different rainbow a few years later, from a different trailer. I guess there have been many rainbows. I've used a snippet of this rainbow since I first started making ceramics, for my site homepage, hang tags, postcards etc. We've been together for a long time. 

Another memorable rainbow was in on the island of Maui. I went to Maui in 1986 and had made some friends, so was able to return and crash/hang with them as a home base to hike, swim, explore. What an amazing time of my life...here I connected deeply to the sun, moon, clouds, rain & earth. The earth & sky was my TV, and it pretty much blew my mind. Anyways... the rainbow I saw there was after a 17 mile overnight hike through the Haleakala (House of the Sun) Crater. Tired & hungry we got to the bottom of the volcano, where we were greeted by my friend Robyn's husband, Victor, with a smile and a cooler of drinks. We made our way to an airstream in some random field (this was not food truck era) where we ordered burgers with coleslaw from a woman in a trailer and were graced with a HUGE arcing misty rainbow. Not unlike the double rainbow dude viral video. I've hiked through the crater at least 3 times solo. I truly hope one day to do a pilgrimage into it again, it's a special place for me. 

That's my rainbow story. Peace out. Love. We've got love to burn. My mantra these days is 'Simple & Kind'. It works. I don't always work, but the mantra does. 


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