Enter a RAFFLE to win a custom wall hanging with your choice of astrological constellations. Offered in celebration of Mothers, of all genders, all children, mothers of plants, animals and the cosmos.
There are also a limited number of customizable Astro Discs available and ready to paint, fire and ship in time for a May 12th delivery.
100% of the raffle ticket and 40% of the purchase price for the Astro Discs will be donated in support of Every Mother Counts - an organization that works to achieve quality, respectful, and equitable maternity care for every mother, everywhere.
Why I support Every Mother Counts
Soon after I gave birth to my daughter in 2003, I saw a photo on the front page of the NYTimes. It was of a woman holding and looking at her baby in a town far, far, away. I felt that same love. SAME.
Years before, in 1985, and with absolutely no immediate thoughts of having a child I was drawn to Ina Mae Gaskins' book Spiritual Midwifery at St. Marks Books in NYC. I bought it and loved reading all the birth stories. Here the seed was planted for a homebirth if I had a baby.
Nineteen years later and pregnant at 40, I planned to birth at the hospital my Doctor of 15 years was affiliated with. I started touring hospitals, and then hospitals with in-house birthing centers, and eventually decided mid-pregnancy to birth at the Elizabeth Seton Birthing Center in NYC.
But 3 months before my due date and on my way to my first appointment, Elizabeth Seton, the only free standing birthing center in NYC, announced it was closing due to escalating insurance costs. Ack!
The midwife asked if I was open to considering a homebirth and 3 months later I had my daughter at home, full circle back to Ina Mae's book. My health insurance company gave me the run around initially, but eventually covered the cost, which was actually much less than a hospital birth.
I was lucky. I had choices, support, and insurance during one of the most vulnerable and deeply meaningful events in my life.
My home setup:
Since 2010, Every Mother Counts has been working to build a world where maternal health truly is a human right.
Through EMC’s community-based partners, the organization has supported more than 1.5 million women, families, and health care providers.
EMC has invested over $42 million to advance maternal health across its awareness raising, grant making to support community-led solutions, and advocacy efforts.
Across all EMC’s programs, the organization has engaged hundreds of thousands of individuals to advance maternal health and birth equity around the world.
- 91,848 people engaged in their work to raise awareness about maternal health
- 2.8M in grants invested in 41 programs across 13 countries, reaching 107,380 people with comprehensive maternal and reproductive healthcare and support
- 1.35M invested in innovative models of care
- 26 pieces of legislation supported at the federal level to advance maternal health
Please join me in supporting the work of Every Mother Counts 🧡
Link here to learn more about their impact!