June 2023: Summer

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There is a new collection on my site listing lots of work for summer 2-4 week deliveries. The ceramic forms are just waiting to be painted and fired. You can find it all HERE


I was just in Montauk. The ocean is a force, a wonder and a beauty. At the same time I can not look at it and not think about how we need to take care of this beautiful planet we live on. But more on the ocean later. 

In the studio I am SUPER EXCITED about a new clay body, testing lots of new colors and working on some new shapes / forms. The ideas are not totally flushed out, but I can SEE it and even though it's fuzzy, it is still oddly clear. Now to make it real. 

Which brings me back to the ocean - 'I'm in the ocean'. Kinda the ocean of everything. It is a familiar and scary place and it has a big name OCEAN to stand for the whole of it, but it's not really there as a solid thing. Just this moving, shifting body of water, earth, weather, sea creatures and shit-tons of stuff I don't even know about. And we are in it. Every day all the time. Here we are, in the shifting sands. That is how I feel these days, I'm in the frigging ocean. 

Wishing me and everyone good luck with that 😁😬😘

Happy early summer solstice! 🌅 XOM

And PS- If you got this far, I want to share The book Bring me the Rhinoceros by John Tarrant. Chapter 10 'Life With and Without your Cherished Beliefs' "What might the world look like if I loved it as it is, just as it is"

And if you got this this far, I share with you this ridiculous photo of me on the beach

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